The royal Family In Nepal || 2016

The royal palace is a tourist site now, where families pose for photos at the gates. You can go in and stroll around, through halls where kings once walked past stuffed tigers shot by monarchs, and shimmering chandeliers over long, polished banquet tables. “Oh my God, what a life they were living, inside,” Librarian Ananta Koirala exclaimed. “And being a Nepali citizen, I’m facing the lives of the poor people in the country. But after seeing this palace, I’m really shocked. What a sophisticated life inside the palace.” Actually, the palace and its furnishings look like they were lifted out of a kitchy early ’60s timewarp. That’s when the palace was built and decorated. The walls display portraits of 250 years worth of Nepalese kings and photos of more contemporary visitors Queen Elizabeth, Romania’s Nicolae Ceaucescu, China’s Jiang Zemin. Prabal Baniya, who’s 30, is a guide here. He used to work for the last king and Baniya’s father worked in the palace before him. He thinks it was a big mistake for Nepal to end its monarchy. - See more at:
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